Nombre: Leticia Badía Torrente
Edad: 21 años
Carrera: Filología Inglesa, 4º
Second Paper
Subject: #14214 Narrativa Anglesa des del S.XVIII Gr.C
Student's name: Badía Torrente, Leticia
Title of the paper:I Have Said Something about Storyspace vs HTML (An analysis of the tools used in I Have Said Nothing by J. Yellowlees Douglas)
Author:Jane Yellowlees Douglas
Jane Y. Douglas, (source)
Abstract: From printed books to many hours of tedious code writing, from coding to learning how to use friendly interfaces like Storyspace, and from Storyspace to a future with even friendlier and more complete online tools.
In less than four decades, hypertext writing has been gestated, born, developed and improved to such an extent that anyone who owns a laptop can nowadays publish their stories for free and virtually in no time at all.
It's interesting to see how writers from the nineties struggled against limited net resources in order to recreate the interface of hypertext writing software. This is the case of I Have Said Nothing, by J. Yellowlees Douglas, who tried to solve the problem using HTML. Did it succeed?
Auto-evaluation: 2 out of 2.5
© Leticia Badía Torrente desde 2009