Presentation of the hypertext.

            Aspects of the hypertext.    

                        §Page style.

                        § Form of the text.

                        § Links.

                        § Images.

                        § Ending/endings.

Presentation of the hypertext

This hypertext starts with an image in colour of Buda and with the title of the hypertext, Everything After That. Both things are in colour blue.

The title is a link, and it moves the reader to the beginning of the hypertext.

This hypertext consists on the different moments in the life of the protagonist. He is an alcoholic and he has different experiences during some years of his life.


Aspects of the hypertext:



 All the pages of the hypertext present the same form. All of them have a piece of text and at the end of it, they have one, two or three links. This links will move the reader trough the action of the work.

In some pages, there are annotations of the narrator, which are situated next to the text.

In some pages, appears a blue sentence, which is dragged on the screen by the cursor.  These sentences are not links, but they could be such as titles, or subtitles of the hypertext. It seems that the authoress puts these sentences to divide the hypertext in chapters.

The background of all the pages is the same, a black, white and grey image, which is a drawing of a suspension bridge. There are not more images in any page.

We can observe, too, that this hypertext hasn’t got any type of music.



      Here, I have to say that the text has a simple structure.

      The authoress uses a simple vocabulary, which all the readers can understand. Moreover, I have to say that the narrator tells the story in first person.

For instance:

That was June.  In July I began going to meetings with other alcoholicsFrom day one it seemed important for obvious reasons to submerge myself in the buzzing yellow overhead lights in all those church basements and to think seriously about what the people in front seemed to be saying, so I drank their coffee and I sat on their hard chairs and I watched their once-wild girls with their cigarettes and their nails bitten down to the quickI was happy and anxious each time one of them spoke.”



Links are the most important feature that the hypertexts have. Their function is to guide the reader through the different possibilities that the hypertext offers.


Links appearance

After to read this hypertext of Martha Conway, we can see that the links that appear in it are not images. This links are the months of the year, but the authoress does not use all of them.

Here have an example of the links that appear in this hypertext:

“This is not to be read as a list.  I was recently asked at a job interview the influences on my life and I went back in my mind to the time when it seemed all the interesting people were dying.  Eric Foot ate a handful of mushrooms and went into cardiac arrest at an outdoor concert, my cousin Marlin flipped his car into oncoming traffic, and then two weeks later the best of us, Timmy Hughes (we called him Kiki), a man incapable of spite or sarcasm, was drinking up by the estuary one Saturday night and he dove into the dark green water only to float up three days later, leaving behind a dog and an engagement ring for Ginnie Foot who was Eric Foot’s sister.”





The reader can find has to choose between one, two or three different links, which show him/her a different way to following the story of the hypertext. For instance:

“[…] Before we went in I looked over the railing and noticed that our two cigarette butts by chance lay absolutely perfectly parallel to each other on the grass, and I took this to be a sign either that we would stay together or that something else was going on which I would understand in time.” 

             september  october  november



“[…] There was absolute silence in the room after he told us this, we were in a high school gymnasium.  He said, I guess the statute of limitations ran out on that.” 

       october  november


How work the links in this hypertext? / What they represent?

Another important aspect of this links is they function. As I have said on the top, their function is to guide the reader through the different possibilities that the hypertext offers.

In this case the links give the reader the possibility of move through the story of the hypertext, but through of the time of the work. For this reason, the authoress decided that the links were some months of the year, because they represent the time of the work. We can say that the links and the time of the hypertext are related.

Total links

In all the hypertext, there are a 55-60 links in total, approximately. But some of them bring the reader to the same ways. This means that there are 18 links which bring the reader to different ways through the work, approximately.



The images are another important aspect of the hypertexts.

In this hypertext, Everything After That, only appear two images:

One of them is the image of Buda that appears at the beginning of the work. This is a blue image.  (You can see it here: )

The other one is the image that she uses as the background of each page of the hypertext. This image hasn’t got a lot of colour, it is a black, white and grey background. You have two examples here:                    


Another important aspect to emphasize is that there are not interactive images. They are static.

This means that in this hypertext the authoress does not think that images are better than words. 



A lot of times, hypertexts have more than one ending. In this case, this hypertext has only one ending. All the possible ways, that the reader can choose, bring him/her at the same ending.

It is supposed that Martha Conway had thought only one ending because, it is a happy and a sad ending, at the same time. I say that because, the ending tells the reader two things.

On the one hand, one reading of the ending is that after everything, the protagonist of the hypertext is happy and has a good life because he has his friends, although he is alone.

On the other hand, the reader can interpret this ending as a sad ending. It is because, the protagonist has suffered a lot, and at the end, he only has his friends (who are the best thing that somebody can have), but he hasn’t got a person who love him and who want to stay with him all the time. He is alone.



            SECOND PAPER

Page last modified: 5th of December



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