Subject : # 14214 Narrativa anglesa des del segle XVIII  Grup A


Student´s name :  Català Català, Lucía


Title of the paper: Tools’ analysis in Everything After That hypertext.                                                                                                             


Author or topic: Conway, Martha                                      



Abstract: I’m going to work on the hypertext Everything After That, written by Martha Conway. I have to say that this authoress does not provide any photography of her and does not provide any reference to her life in the network.  For that reason I haven’t included any reference to her life and any photography, with which I could illustrate my work.

I’m going to do a formal analysis focusing on the tools. My analysis consists on an introduction, where I explain the concept of hypertext, and where I do a brief introduction of the structure of this work. The following aspect, which is the main part of the work, consists on a formal analysis of the hypertext, in which I will analyze different features of the hypertext like: links, images, page style… Moreover, I have included another aspect, plot and characters. The last part of the work is a conclusion, in which I will give my opinion about working on a hypertext. 



Auto-evaluation:  In order to analyze this hypertext, I have to say that it is a bit complicated to analyze, because it is not a short hypertext and, besides, it has a lot of ways of reading and some of them haven’t got sense. I have explored all the possible readings of this hypertext to doing this work. In despite of this, I think that I have made a good analysis of the hypertext, so I think I deserve a good mark such a seven.



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Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
  © Lucía Català Català
     Universitat de València Press