In the bank
Mr. Smith goes into a bank. He tells the bank clerk he would like to withdraw francs. the clerk asks Mr. Smith how he would like the money.He says he would like one five-hundred franc notes and one fifty-franc note. he tells the clerk he is going to South America for one month. he asks if it is better to take traveller's cheques or cash, The clerk answers it is safer to take traveller's cheques.
Bank clerk: Good morning, sir
Mr. Smith: Good morning. I'd like to withdraw 950 francs.
Bank clerk: What note would you like?
Mr. Smith: One 500 franc note, four 100s and one 50.
Bank clerk: Here you are, sir. Five hundred, six, seven, eight, nine and fifty is 950.
Mr. Smith: Thank you. Oh! I forgot, could you please give me some information? I'm going to South America for one month. What do you suggest I take, traveller's cheques or cash?
Bank clerk: Oh, it's better to take traveller's cheques. It's safer
Mr. Smith: Thank you. Goodbye.
Bank clerk: Goodbye, sir.
Questions and answers
Answer these questions in your notebook and then check the answers.
- Where is Mr. Smith?
- What time is it?
- What does Mr. Smith want to do?
- Does Mr Smith deposit any money?
- Who does Mr Smith speak to?
- how much money does he withdraw?
- What does the bank clerk ask him?
- What notes would he like?
- How many 500 franc notes would he like?
- How much money does the clerk give him?
- What country is Mr. Smith in?
- Is that all what Mr. Smith wants?
- What else would he like?
- Where is he going?
- How long is he going to stay there?
- What does he ask the clerk?
- What two things can he take?
- Why is it better to take traveller's cheques?
- Does he ask the clerk for cheques now?