# 14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el siglo XVIII Grupo
Student´s name: Andreu González, Mª del Mar
Title of the paper: "Research on Frederick
Author or topic: Forsyth, Frederick
Abstract: I will be basing my first paper on
the Biography, Chronology
and Bibliography of Frederick Forsyth. He was
born in
I have had difficulty in order to find information about Frederick Forsyth, especially in regard to the Chronology. For this reason, I have created a new one with the information from different biographies. In my second research, I have also found a new Bibliography page and two more Biography pages, which are very interesting, and I have included them in my web page. I have used search engines, instead of google, such as a-9, powerset, ask and searchmash, but I have not found more extensive information about Frederick Forsyth than I have uploaded. The pages are always the same, apart from little details; they are also very short. I have tried to put in touch with, the creator of the unofficial Frederick Forsyth’s homepage, but he has not answered the e-mail I sent to him.
If anybody has comments, queries or suggestions regarding the content of
my webpage, please don’t hesitate in contacting me.
Auto-evaluation: I deserve a grade in
the range of an eight.
Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Mar Andreu González
© Photography of Frederick Forsyth: