scribe: writings, ink are his special skills. A craftsman, an artist, a user of black paint, a drawer with black paint; a painter who dissolves colors, grinds pigments, uses colors."

"The good scribe is
honest, circumspect, far-sighted, pensive; a judge of colors, an applier of the colors, who makes shadows, forms feet, face, hair. He paints, applies colors, makes shadows, draws gardens, paints flowers, creates works of art."

bad scribe is dull, detestable, irritating--a fraud, a cheat. He paints without luster, ruins colors, blurs them, paints askew--acts impetuously, hastily, without reflection."





































Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Mar Andreu González

Universitat de Valčncia Press