Subject : 14711 - Hipertextos y Literatura - Grupo A

Student´s name : Puchades Girbés, Salut

Title of the paper : " Same Day Test "

Author or topic : Inglis, Gavin D.

Abstract : We have  worked on a different kind of reading we were used to; HYPERTEXT. An hypertext gives you the chance to build your own story online depending on the rutes you choose.
The hypertext I am going to analyse is called "Same Day Test", a work dealing with a subject that
worries to nowadays society; AIDS.
This research tries to analyse every point of the hypertext but, above all, it will focus on the time because this is one of our aims in this course. Although we also find three points more:

The different ways of reading "Same Day Test" will be explained on the research and then, we will realise time is a very important factor that can change the ending of our main character.

Auto-evaluation: I believe that I have made an effort in this work although I'm not very good using computers. I have been able to reach my objectives and I think I've made a good work, analysing every point of "Same Day Test" and trying to deepen in many different concepts. 
I have also attended the classes because I have been interested in them, so I think I deserve a good grade. 

Academic year 2003
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Salut Puchades Girbés
Universitat de València Press
