Primary Works written by C.S. Lewis

Reprinted with the kind permission of the author.

NOVELS: Out of the Silent Planet, 1938; Perelandra, 1942; That Hideous Strength, 1945; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, 1950; Prince Caspian, 1951; The Voyage of the "Dawn Treader," 1952; The Silver Chair, 1953; The Horse and His Boy, 1954; The Magician's Nephew, 1955; The Last Battle, 1956; Till We Have Faces, 1956.

THEOLOGY:The Pilgrim's Regress, 1933; The Problem of Pain, 1940; The Screwtape Letters, 1942; The Abolition of Man, 1943; The Great Divorce, 1945; Miracles, 1947; The Weight of Glory, 1949; Mere Christianity, 1952; Reflections on the Psalms, 1958; The Four Loves, 1960; The World's Last Night, 1960; Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, 1963; Of Other Worlds, 1966; Christian Reflections, 1967; God in the Dock, 1971.

LITERARY CRITICISM:The Allegory of Love, 1936; Rehabilitations, 1939; The Personal Heresy, 1939; A Preface to Paradise Lost, 1942; Arthurian Torso, 1948; English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, 1954; Studies in Words, 1960; An Experiment in Criticism, 1961; The Discarded Image, 1964; Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature, 1966; Spenser's Images of Life, 1967; Selected Literary Essays, 1969; Present Concerns, 1986.

AUTOBIOGRAPHY:Surprised by Joy, 1955; A Grief Observed, 1961.

CORRESPONDENCE:Letters of C. S. Lewis, 1966; Letters to an American Lady, 1967; The Letters of C. S. Lewis to Arthur Greeves, 1979.

POETRY: Spirits in Bondage, 1919; Dymer, 1926; Poems, 1964; Narrative Poems, 1969.

© Dr. Bruce L. Edwards
Professor of English
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OHIO 43403

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