1775   (16 Dec) Jane Austen born at Steventon in Hants, seventh child of the Rev. George Austen                (1731-1805)     and Cassandra Leigh (1739-1827) 

1784/5    J. A. and her sister, Cassandra, leave the Abbey School, Reading    Age:9

1795    Elinor and Marianne written. Lady Susan written    Age:20

1796    (Oct) First Impressions begun (finished Aug 1797)    Age:21

1797    (Nov) Sense and Sensibility begun. First Impressions unsuccessfully offered to Cadell    Age:22

1798/9    Northanger Abbey (Susan) written. Sold to Crosby & Go. in 1803

1801    Austens settle in Bath    Age:26

1805    Rev. George Austen dies. The Watsons and Lady Susan (R. W. Chapman's dating) written about this time    Age:30

1806    Austens leave Bath for Clifton with 'happy feelings of escape', and visit Adlestrop and Stoneleigh    Age:31

1807    (Mar) Austens settle in at Castle Square, Southampton    Age:32

1809    Austens move to Chawton, Hants (owned by Jane's brother Edward)    Age:34

1811    Mansfield Park begun (Feb). Sense and Sensibility published 36 (Nov.)    Age:36

1812    (Nov) Pride and Prejudice sold to Egerton    Age:37

1813    (Jan) Pride and Prejudice published
            (Nov.) second editions of this and Sense and Sensibility   Age:38

1814    (21 Jan) Emma begun (finished 29 Mar 1815)
            (May) Mansfield Park published by Egerton    Age: 39

1815    Persuasion begun (finished August 1816)
            (Dec) Emma published by John Murray     Age:40

1816    Mansfield Park, second edition    Age:41

1817    (Jan-Mar) Sanditon begun
            (28 July) Jane Austen dies at Winchester; buried in Winchester Cathedral
            (Dec) Northanger Abbey; and Persuasion published by Murray      Age: 42

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