Subject : #
14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el siglo XVIII Grupo A
Student´s name: Obiols Roca, Mónica
Title of the paper: Tools’ analysis in “Same Day Test”
Author or topic: Inglis, Gavin
I’m going to work on the hypertext “Same Day Test”
written by Gavin Inglis, a Scottish author residing in Edinburgh. My analysis
consists in an introduction where I explain the concepts of hypertext and hypertext
fiction and where I make a brief introduction to the author’s life and to
the hypertext topic; the main part of the work will consist on a formal analysis of the hypertext focusing on how it has been
built: page style, images, links, different endings we can find, vocabulary
used…and a conclusion.
I’ve had the opportunity to ask some questions to
Gavin Inglis, and he has answered to all of them. The information given has
been very useful to make progress in my analysis, that’s why I want to include
my e-mail correspondence with him.
Auto-evaluation: I think I have done a good paper. So, I’d like to get a good mark such a 7
or an 8.
Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Mónica Obiols Roca
Universitat de València Press