Subject :
 14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el S. XVIII  Grupo C

Student´s name : Gómez Aguilar, Raquel

Title of the paper :

Author or topic :
Malloy, Judy

Abstract : I decided to choose the hypertext "Afterwards" by Judy Malloy for my Second Paper because this text fulfills the two main conditions I was looking for in a hypertext : a text with a reading easy to follow and understand and that could offer a good analysis from the perspective of Tools.
Firstly, I have introuduced Judy Malloy with information taken from her personal website. And then I have divided my work into five parts : A little Introduction about the hypertext (what it's about, the characters), the Reading I have made of the text (following different orders of reading), the analysis of the Tools the author has used, the e-mails with the author (letting her know I was working on one of her hypertexts) and finally the Conclusion (where I talk about my thoughts after reading my first hypertext).

Auto-evaluation: I have tried to do my best with this hypertext. I have read it a lot of times trying to notice different things each time. And I have written down every detail I've thought it could be important. So I think 8.

Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Raquel Gómez Aguilar
Universitat de València Press

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