Subject : 14214 Narrativa Anglesa des del S. XVIII (Group B)
Student´s name : de Julián Ponce, Sara

Title of the paper : Space through The Glass Snail

Author or topic : Milorad Pavic (1929-)

Abstract : In this paper you can find the space in which the story takes place. It is difficult to analyze space in hypertext because it is an interactive reading so you can choose the chapter you want to read first or the ending of the story, so they can be different. In The Glass Snail, it is not so difficult because the references of space made by the author are very similar between chapters. My paper consists of an introduction where you can find my experiences before and while reading hypertext and what is going to be this paper about; an analysis of the plot; the biography of the author; a list of the novel’s space and a personal opinion or conclusion of the paper. Feel free to choose between the sections of this paper and to make your own interpretations.

Auto-evaluation: 7









Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Sara de Julián Ponce
Universitat de Valčncia Press