Firstly, I have to say that there are only two characters, a mortal woman and a person (who is the main character and that you will be if you read the story) whose sex is not defined, only it is said, in a fragment, that you like the woman's beauty but it does not mean that the protagonist is a man; you can choose to be a woman or a man. We know this person is not mortal because in the begin is said "the luminous dome is not the work of your own people. But surely it cannot be the crude work of mortals". So, her/his specie is not known. About the woman I have found a short description which is the following: she is a mortal and simple woman, she is a musician of the court, she is wearing red clothes, bracelets in her slim arms and she has a triangular form in her hands. She plays a lute and when she unwraps, you can see a thin blue wrap with gold designs. The word "queen" also appears, although I don't know how she is, or where she is reigning. If you want to see my partners' analysis characters click on: characters by Lucia and characters by Carol . |
Academic year 2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Peñalver Ibañez, Sara
Universitat de València Press