Subject:14711 - Hipertextos y Literatura - Grupo A 

Student´s name:
Peñalver Ibañez,Sara 

Title of the paper:
The Luminous Dome

Author or topic: Linhart,Stephen


Here you can find an analysis about a hypertext titled "The Luminous Dome". The analysis is divided into introduction , time , space , characters and conclusion which help you to understand more or less the story. 

An unconventional characteristic of this hypertext is that it is an interactive story in which you can contribute with a new fragment. But you will need a computer called "macintosh" if you want to take part in the story.

The author is Stephen Linhart and he is a programmer of computers; for this reason he has designed the program Button Talk , which is set up in the story and is used to interact. You can also check bibliography where you will find some pages that we have used to produce this paper. 

I have done this with two more classmates whose analysis are different to mine, and their links are the following: and

I hope you enjoy it!!!


I am not sure what mark should be assigned, although if I am sincere, I would like it was a "notable", why not?. Really I think it is not an excellent analysis, but I am satisfied because it has been a big effort for me, so I did not have a good relationship to computers and now it has made better. Moreover I have written in English and, in this way, expressing my opinions has meen more difficult; personally I think it is necessary, so I am a student of English Philology. But the most important is that I have got to know a new and interesting concept as it is hypertext. Thank you for your lessons.

Academic year 2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Peñalver Ibañez, Sara; García Vilaplana, Carolina; Rus Díaz, Lucía
Universitat de València Press