All this seems really strange, don't you think so?. Well, every thing would had been clearer if we would had worked with macintosh, so I'm still imaging how it could be. As you can concluded its physical aspect is not complex. it is composed only by short fragments and close to them some links. Several fragments have two links, others four, but the biggest number of links is five. There are not any photo, sound or single image. However it is funny and you don't lose the interest about the story. You always have curiosity to read the next fragment. On the other hand, I'm going to write about its vocabulary, lexis, ... Its vocabulary belongs to the coloquial register. The words are easily to understand to a no-native english speaker. And its sentences are also short. (On consequence it is not difficult to read, but it is difficult to understand the hallucination with only the first lecture). A possibility that I have concluded about the characters of this story is that they could be Adan and Eva. So in the Bible we find two people, a woman and a man, the first humans on the earth. And some miracles happen, I compare them with the protagonist's hallucination. But I'm not so sure, only it is a hypothesis. Well,I had never read this kind of stories and I recommend you that if you have free time, you should read it; I think this analysis will have surprised you and if you read it you will see it is so different to whatever hypertext. Here you will be able to discover how a hypertext can be. In my opinion I have liked reading it, above all because you become the protagonist and live the story very close. I hope this analysis is not too bored. If you read it you can send me and email to to give me your opinion. Bye bye!!
If you want to see my partners' conclusions click on: conclusion by Lucia and conclusion by Carol .
Academic year 2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Peñalver Ibañez, Sara
Universitat de València Press