This hypertext is realized physically in only one file. It means that you have the possiblility to read it from up to down and vice versa (although the story will not follow a linearity). When you begin, a short fragment with black characters appears and next to it five links in blue characters. Here you are situate in the middle of the file and there are three ways to read it: first, you can click on some of the links; second, reading the down fragment (which has two links); third, reading the up fragment (which has two links). The total number of short fragments is 66 and there are between 150 and 155 links. All these characteristics make the story can not be read lineally, well, you will be able to read in this way, but you will not understnad it. If you notice, the author makes you try to find new strategies to read a hypertext. Every person who reads this story will have read a total different adventure than another person, because there are lots of distinct possibilities to choose. This is the most important that you need to know and, in my opinion the most interesting feature, so each one of us (three people) has got a different story, on consequence three different analysis.
Academic year 2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Peñalver Ibañez, Sara
Universitat de València Press