A r b o r    E r e c t a


The hypertext I am going to analyze form the spatial point of view is “Arbor Erecta” by the American author Sonya Rapoport. It tells the story of the transsexual change of James from female to male, through a botanical concept applied to sexuality and tribal initiation rites in New Guinea connected with trees and masculine identity. It also reflects an intangible but very real commune with the green cosmos, combining reality and fiction.

It is important to mention how the text is organized. The very first page is the title page of the work, which shows the name of the author, a photography that illustrates the page, a short reference to its content, a quotation by Gilbert Herdt, and two links, “credits” and “table of context”. This second link is the one which takes us to the ten different chapters of the work, meaning the ten stages that the protagonist has gone through in order to reach his full transformation, each of them represented by a clickable photography of a plant.

I am going to give two links that would lead you to some information about the author of the text, Sonya Rapoport and the two protagonists of the story, James Green, who has collaborated with the author contributing pictures and some sentences. And the Pandanus tree, because the whole transformation of James Green from into a male is connected with this tree. This information is essential for a complete understanding of the text and to have a wider vision about this unusual story.      

[Second Paper] [Introduction] [Sonya Rapoport]  [James Green] [Spatial References]  [Pandanus tree] [Conclusion] [Bibliography]

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 Universitat de València Press