Internal Time


To read comprehensively this text its necessary have Oragnigrama file available above.

The time in this novel happens in only over 16 hours, this is a short time that apparently does not show any plot but this is not true.

Hypertext is a way of constructing novels.It can be read trough multiple ways and the message changes.


If we put every end and each story possibility we obtain this organigrame. It´s been created following a scale that is written below the picture.

When I put that data in correct order I observe that in certain time periods the action occur in the same places and this help to make a time-place rule.

I will call the guide as WALKTHROUGH


Now we look at more or less 12:30 he very often is working.

Between 1:15 and 1:25 is seen that the main character finishes working...or decide.

Going further we go to the conclusion zone where among 4:06 and 4:20 is the time when we can arrive to take the results...and in every end that hospital intervens can be pointed out that: The results will be given.

But if we arrive over 5:20...surprise! You wont get the test result...This is because it´s closed. This is why graphic is useful.


About the story.


The story does not have a main plot divisable in ways. Since it starts there is multiple choice possible and it yields from 8:47am till 5:26pm.

As magupir pointed in this artwork:


Las 8.47, es el punto de partida. No se puede comenzar el día de Tom ni más pronto ni más tarde, pero el final de su día puede variar dependiendo de la elección del lector.

5.24 : ésta es la hora en que Tom hace caso omiso de la hora en que se había citado con la  doctora Morag y llega tarde para saber el resultado final. La obra termina con 'END', y el lector se queda sin saber si el resultado de Tom será positivo o negativo.

En cambio hay otro final, en el que Tom es puntual a su cita gracias a la mediación del lector:

4.14 : en este preciso momento es la última hora en que permanece abierto el hospital y la doctora Morag le entregará finalmente el resultado.

Podemos encontrar en el mismo texto un modo de fragmentar la obra en cuanto a su aspecto temporal, las horas que se suceden hasta el mediodía y las horas de les siguen que son las de la tarde : A.M. y P.M.
     Estas horas las podemos clasificar de la siguiente manera: Desde las 8.47 a.m.

Desde las 8.47 a.m. hasta las 12.23 p.m

Desde las 12.23 p.m. hasta las 5.24 p.m


Extracted from magupir webpage.copyright

Thanks to our work, it will be possible to classify the place easily with the graphic and it will not be necessary to review the book again. Since each exact minute is inside the squares.

Another remarkable thing is that time rushes by if Tom is having fun (i,e having beers, lunch with workmates. But if, on the contrary, he is working...time drags on forever. This is a non-written remarkable aspect.


Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Roman Abargues Ferrús
Universitat de València Press