At 01:57 AM 12/3/2008, you wrote:
>Hi jmalloy,
>I'm a student from the University of Valencia. I have to do a paper
>talking about your hypertext," A party in a Silver Beach", and I have to
>focus in the issue of time. I want to ask you that if you were me how
>you would write this paper, in which way you would build this paper. And
>,if it is possible, some advices to do it.
>Thank you very much.
>Beatriz Alfonso Coxias
Asunto: Re: some question
Para: <bealco@alumni.uv.es>
CC: jmalloy@mail.well.com
De: Judy Malloy <jmalloy@mail.well.com>
Fecha: Thu, 04 Dec 2008 13:22:31 -0800
Hi Beatriz,
I received your email and will try to answer your questions
in a few days.
Thanks for your interest in my work!
Judy Malloy
At 02:57 AM 12/5/2008, you wrote:
>Dear Judy Malloy,
>My essay consists on explaining all the time aspects that are shown in
>that hypertext. I have not read all of it but I am a bit lost about the
> story, I am not able to make a time-line because I am still used to
>read in a traditional (or linear) way and this is the first time I deal
>with a Hypertext. That is why I thought that it was a good idea to ask
>you for some advice. I do not want to bother you and if you do not mind,
>the only thing I actually need is some advice from the author of this
>hypertext, something which could help me to understand it in order to do
>a nice essay and of course a good paper. I will appreciate any comment,
>any advice, and any word from you.
>thank you again Judy,
Re: some question
Para: <bealco@alumni.uv.es>
CC: jmalloy@mail.well.com
De: Judy Malloy <jmalloy@mail.well.com>
Fecha: Sat, 06 Dec 2008 18:53:36 -0800
Hi Beatriz,
Because hyperfiction is relatively nonlinear, creating a timeline
for a work of hyperfiction is a difficult way to approach the work.
When you go to a real party, you talk to different people, visit
different parts of the place where the party is held. You engage in
short conversations, listen to other people talking, listen to music, etc.
A Party in Silver Beach tries to recreate this experience.
In a sense you might say that time is disregarded in this work because
while you are reading it, the party is continually going on.
One way to approach writing a paper about this would be to
think about what going to a party is like for you and then
read the work in that way. Then you could write about
how A Party in Silver Beach is not a sequential narrative
but rather is meant to be experienced in the way that memories of
the past from different eras are intertwined when you are recollecting
certain kinds of experience
Some things that might help:
Rather than being structured around time, A Party in Silver Beach is
around places in a house where the party is being held:
The main room
The front deck
A side deck
The beach (the house is near the ocean)
A place where art is displayed (The gallery)
As one would at a real party, you the reader are free to move
around the house where the party is being held.
You follow descriptions of the party by clicking
on icons that represent people or things at
the party. When you click on the icon that is
right before the ? you move to another part of the party.
The story is narrated by a character named Jenny.
She herself does not play a large part in the story but
rather serves as a guide, describing things that happen.
Jenny's passage through the party is not necessarily
always sequential and because of this, it would be difficult
to construct a time-based structure of this work, although
you could construct a narrative of how you the reader
progressed through the work. This would be a valid
approach, allowing you to describe the time frame of
the party in the way *you* experienced it.
When you remember a party, you often do not remember it
sequentially, rather you might remember people you met,
what you ate, what the house was like. Thus although some
incidents in this narrative follow each other in a sequential way,
you might be moving back and forth in time as you read the work
I hope this helps.
Good luck with your paper!
[Timeline] [Conclusion] [Time References] [About Judy] [E-Mails] [Second Paper]
Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Beatriz Alfonso Coxias
Universitat de Valčncia Press