Time line of A Party in Silver Beach
Jenny's passage through the party is not necessarily always sequential and because of this, it would be difficult to construct a time-based structure of this work, although
we could construct a narrative of how the reader progressed through the work. This would be a valid approach, allowing us to describe the time frame of the party
in the way *we* experienced it. Rather than being structured around time, A Party in Silver Beach is structured around places in
a house where the party is being held:
The main room
The front deck
A side deck
The beach (the house is near the ocean)
A place where art is displayed (The gallery)
You can read some notes that I have been taken through my BLOG
[Timeline] [Conclusion] [Time References] [About Judy] [E-Mails] [Second Paper][Introduction]
Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Beatriz Alfonso Coxias
Universitat de Valčncia Press