I have chosen this hypertext because its name called my attention. The fact of choosing this hypertext withouth having read it before was difficult for me because I did

not know how long it was going to be. In addition, this has been the first time I have worked with an hypertext. It was that hard that I had to write an email to the

author to ask her for some advice. She explained me that hyperfiction is relatively nonlinear. She also said that creating a timeline for a work of hyperfiction was a

difficult way to approach the work. I have had to read the hypertext more than 6 times. It took me a lot of time and it stressed me out very much. So, apart from all

this, I have added the biography of the author written in her own webpage, the aspect of time that I had to work with and my conclusion.








[Timeline] [Conclusion] [Time References] [About Judy] [E-Mails] [Second Paper][Introduction]







     Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Beatriz Alfonso Coxias                                                                                 
Universitat de Valčncia Press