Lewis Carroll Riddles |
Rearrange the letters of NOR DO WE to make one word. ONE WORD (From The Universe in a Handkercheif, Lewis Carroll's Mathematical Recreations, Games, Puzzles, and Word Plays, by Martin Gardner)
'First, the fish must be caught.' An oyster. A baby can pick it up from an oyster bed, a penny would buy one in Carroll's day, it cooks quickly, it lies in its own dish, it is easily placed on the table, but the "dish-cover" is hard to raise because it is held to the dish by the oyster in the middle. The White Queen tells alice this riddle in Through the Looking Glass. The riddle is never answered in the book.
The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on on hearing this; but all he said was, "Why is a raven like a writing-desk?"... The Mad Hatter never answers his riddle in Alice's Adventure In Wonderland, but Martin Gardner's The Annotated Alice gives three answers: one from Carroll and two from Sam Loyd, the famous puzzle master. Carroll's answer: "Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front!" Note the clever misspelling of nevar so it is "raven" spelled backwards. Loyd's answer 1: "Because the notes for which they are noted are not noted for being musical notes" Loyd's other answers: "Because Poe wrote on both; bills and tales are among their characteristics; because they both stand on their legs. conceal their steels, and ought to be made to shut up."
Clare writes: A warning to dining while at work - or a solution to the riddle "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" Eat your supper off a writing desk and you will find, Solution:- John DeHaven writes: "One contains a river that runs forward (Esk) and the other contains a river that runs backwards (Neva)." Thanks John!
John gave his brother James a box: James woke and said it gave him pain; The box was not with lid supplied, And all these locks had never a key- John gave James a box on the head.
(From The Universe in a Handkercheif, Lewis Carroll's Mathematical Recreations, Games, Puzzles, and Word Plays, by Martin Gardner)