Eduardo got his Ph.D in Computer Science at the Universitat de València - Spain since 2020. Eduardo holds a Master Degree on Systems Engineering (2012) from Universidad Nacional de Trujillo - Trujillo - Perú. He has an Engineering degree in Systems Engineering (2007). His research activities focus generation Graphical User Interfaces from Business Process Model Notation (BPMN), also he focus on the model driven development context. Eduardo has Scholarship from PRONABEC PERU - President of the Republic, for research studies in the Doctoral Programme in Information Technologies, Communications and Computing at the Universitat de València - Spain, from 2017 to 2020. Founder of CDET Edutec1.
Generation Graphical User Interfaces from Business Process Model Notation (BPMN). We extracted rules to generate GUIs based BPMN Patterns and BPMN Projects, each rule has several alternatives, each alternative represents a stereotype. We extend BPMN model with stereotypes. Advisors: José Ignacio Panach Navarrete and Silvia Rueda Pascual - Universitat de València - Spain.
SOFT-BPMN: Web tool developed in PHP and HTML5 to performe experiments with participants to generate Graphical User Interfaces from extend BPMN model with stereotypes. Link:
E. Diaz, J. I. Panach, S. Rueda, Marcela Ruiz and Oscar Pastor, "Are requirements elicitation sessions influenced by participants' gender? An empirical experiment", presented at Science of Computer Programming - Elsevier, December 2020, p. 1-22. - Q3 - download
E. Diaz, J. I. Panach, S. Rueda, and Damiano Distante, "A family of experiments to generate graphical user interfaces from BPMN models with stereotypes", presented at Journal of Systems and Software - Elsevier, December 2020, p. 1-25. - Q1 - download
E. Diaz, J. I. Panach, S. Rueda, and Jean Vanderdonckt, "An empirical study of rules for mapping BPMN models to graphical user interfaces", presented at Multimedia Tools and Applications - Springer, November 2020, p. 1-36. - Q1 - download
E. Diaz, J. I. Panach, S. Rueda, and O. Pastor, "Una familia de experimentos para analizar las preferencias de los usuarios en el diseño de IGUs a partir de modelos BPMN", presented at INTERACCION - Revista Digital de AIPO (Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador), 2020, p. 7-22. Spain. download draft version
Eduardo Díaz and Jose Ignacio Panach, "Improvement of EduBPMN Transformation Rules from an Empirical Validation..", in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Management and Big Data, SIMBig 2023, Ciudad de México - México. download draft version
Augusto Morante Castañeda, Omar Cahuana Rios, Eduardo Díaz, "Recommendations for the Development of Augmented Reality Video Games for Children with ADHD.", in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Management and Big Data, SIMBig 2023, Ciudad de México - México. download draft version
Marco Antonio De la Cruz, Luis Miguel Estrada, Eduardo Díaz, "GigMaleBPMN: Generation of Graphical Components from the BPMN Model using Machine Learning.", in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems and Software technologies (ICI2ST), 2023, p. 8. Quito - Ecuador. download draft version
José Aldana, Sebastián Trujillo, Eduardo Díaz, "Recommendations for the Development of Video Games to Reduces Stress on Young People.", in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems and Software technologies (ICI2ST), 2023, p. 8. Quito - Ecuador. download draft version
E. Diaz and J. I, Panach, "New Transformation Rules for the EduBPMN Method to Generate Graphical User Interfaces from BPMN", in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems and Software technologies (ICI2ST), 2022, p. 8. Quito - Ecuador. download draft version
E. Diaz and S. Rueda, "Generation of user interfaces from business process model notation (BPMN)", in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS), 2019, p. 21. Valencia - Spain. download draft version
E. Diaz and S. Rueda, "Generation of user interfaces from business process model notation (BPMN)", Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS), 2019, Valencia - Spain. (poster) download draft version
E. Diaz, J. I. Panach, S. Rueda, and O. Pastor, "Generación de Interfaces de Usuario a partir de Modelos BPMN con Estereotipos", presented at the Jornada de la Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2018. Sevilla - Spain. download draft version
E. Diaz, J. I. Panach, S. Rueda, and O. Pastor, "Towards a method to generate GUI prototypes from BPMN", in 2018 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS) IEEE, 2018, pp. 1-12. Nantes - France. download draft version
Symposium and Conference
“Organizer track DISE: Data-Driven Software Engineering; in the conference “SIMBig 2023, 10th International Conference on Information Management and Big Data ”, Mexico, Instituto Politecnico Nacional Perú. SIMBig 2023
“Organizer track DISE: Data-Driven Software Engineering; in the conference “SIMBig 2022, 9th International Conference on Information Management and Big Data ”, Lima, Perú. SIMBig 2022
“Organizer track DISE: Data-Driven Software Engineering; in the conference “SIMBig 2021, 8th International Conference on Information Management and Big Data ”, Lima, Perú. SIMBig 2021
“Organizer track DISE: Data-Driven Software Engineering; in the conference “SIMBig 2020, 7th International Conference on Information Management and Big Data ”, Lima, Perú. SIMBig 2020
“Technical and Accessibility Chair” in the congress “The 11th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems EICS 2019”, Valencia, Spain. EICS 2019
Program Commitee
SIMBig 2023
SIMBig 2022
ICI2ST 2021
SIMBig 2020
PhD Thesis
E Díaz, EduBPMN: Un método Basado en Reglas de Transformación para Generar Interfaces Gráficas de Usuario a partir de Modelos de Procesos de Negocio (BPMN). Ignacio Panach and Silvia Rueda download
Research Projects.
Algorithms and data structure.
Web development: PHP.
Advanced Programming in C++ and Java.
Databases and Information System.
Software Requirements Engineering.
Information systems design and analyses.
Invited as Speaker at Seminars
2022: Invited speaker at the Seminar on "La Ingeniería y la Transformación de la Sociedad" - Abril 2022, CETYS Universidad, Mexico - Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Peru.
2020: Invited speaker at the Seminar on "Semana del Capítulo de Ingeniería, Computación e Informática" - November 2020, Colegio de Ingeniero del Perú Consejo Departamental La Libetad, Trujillo, Peru.
2020: Invited speaker at the Seminar on "Semana de Ingeniería" - October 2020, Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima, Peru.
2020: Invited speaker at the Seminar on "Día del Ingeniero" - Junio 2020, Universidad Nacional Intercultural “Fabiola Salazar Leguía” de Bagua – Peru.
2020: Invited speaker at the Seminar on "Día del Ingeniero" - Junio 2020, Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima, Peru.
2020: Invited speaker at the Seminar on "Día del Ingeniero" - Junio 2020, Universidad Privada Señor de Sipán, Pimentel, Peru.
Contact information:
Jorge Eduardo Díaz Suárez
Universitat de València (UV)
Departamento de Informática
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Avenida de la Universidad, S/N, 46100 Burjassot, València, Spain