I have found some interesting ideas in this hypertext. I think the writer has invented an entertaining story full of irony and a black sense of humour that I personally enjoy. The way Robert Sullivan dies after eating a plate of liver and onions or the image of a student, Young-Li, lost in delusions trying to fill an exam and becoming so obsessed he even forgets his name and mother tongue.
I reckon some ideas are worth considering, for instance the fact that isolation and too much work can spoil our contact with reality, our social part and the conscience of our own self. Nevertheless the author´s point of view is a bit simplistic in some aspects. He bases the construction of his characters on archetypes and labels, and invites the reader to trust prejudices to make him/her accept and laugh the sacrifice of some of them. I must say I admire his critic aim lacking euphemisms.
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Academic year 2001/2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Elena Martínez Fernandez
Universitat de València Press