
At last I can say that analysing the spaces in a text is not very easy, especially in this hypertext, where the spaces are indefinite and transient, this because It is not a descriptive narration. It also reminds a futurist setting and science fiction too. In The Color of Thelevision hypertext the main element is the zapping , that is in common language a particular way of watching television that consists in switching over continuously until a viewer doesn’t find his favourite and interesting program television. This new way of watching TV  has increased thanks to the remote control’s birth. To analyse the space has been a hard work because the structure of the hypertext is very complicated and if you are not concentrated you can feel puzzled.

As a matter of fact, once you have read and understood this text you feel like you have just solved a difficult puzzle full of different and hidden pieces.
















Index    Firstpaper      Secondpaper     Analysis       Introduction

            Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Giuseppe Improta
Universitat de València Press