
The hypertext  I’m going to analyze is called The Color of Television , it is written by Moulthrop a hypertext writer, teacher and Web designer, and by Sean Choen, a perpetual student.  This piece looks like a labyrinth: you know where it  begins  but then you can lose yourself through its links, it looks so confused and it makes the reader disorientated. In my view a receiver, in order to understand its meaning,  has to read it more times.  It has a  color-based structure and you don’t realize it  at first approach to the text. The piece is based on different  stories but the main one is  about Harry and Lorrain. They are  homeowners, nonsmokers, Presbyterians, aged 43 and 38, married for six years and seven months next Thursday. 

In this hypertext the stories, the places and also the spaces change , so that the user is led through them.

Besides zapping is the main element , this because it gives a sense to the confusion that the user feels: in fact reading the hypertext you can follow a path thanks to nodes that are between the text’s words. Therefore, reading The color of television hypertext you can feel  the sensation that you are channel-surfing.














           Index      firstpaper    secondpaper       analysis    conclusion



            Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Giuseppe Improta
Universitat de València Press