This is going to be your begining point to start to know my likes ( I'll try to create links to the most interesting pages and sites ) and my works on carreer subjects.
    If you have any complaint, suggestion, or just want to talk, please e-mail me:

    My work on  Narrativa I . It is a research about Bleak House, a great novel written by
Charles Dickens. I assure you it was a hard work, worth to be read. And it is all I have done in my page so far, but come back soon.

    Ahora podéis encontrar mi anterior trabajo sobre Casa desolada de Charles Dickens en una traducción al castellano para la asignatura de Hipertextos y literatura inglesa. Ahora ya podéis disfrutarlo en su versión completa y acabada.

                                  2nd of February 2001 / 2 de Febrero de 2001

    Page maintained and created by Ioana Basterra López