Versión en castellano


Student's name:  Ioana Basterra López

Subject's code: 4595  Narrativa en lengua inglesa I

Title of the paper: Bleak House

Author of the paper: Charles Dickens

Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max. 150 words:
  In this essay I am going to study Charles Dickens' Bleak House from as much perspectives
as I can. This is the reason why the title of the paper is so general and vague. This focus means
that this work is going to be exhaustive but it won't treat each perspective with the thoroughness
each one would require. Due that the point of my research is to deeply understand Charles Dickens'
book, I will hand you (in a basic level) the many theories from which it has been studied in the terms of
what they concern to Bleak House.

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                                    Academic Year 1999/2000
                                    November 29th 1999
                                    a.r.e.a/ Dr. Vicente Forés López
                                    © Ioana Basterra López
                                    Universitat de València Press