William Golding's Writings:


•The Lord of the Flies (1954)

•The Inheritors (1955)

•Envoy Extraordinary [novella] (1956)

•Pincher Martin (1956)

•Free Fall (1959)

•The Spire (1964)

•The Hot Gates [essay] (1967)

•The Pyramid (1967)

•The Scorpion God [novella] (1971)

•Clonk Clonk [novella] (1971)

•Darkness Visible (1979)

•Rites of Passage [Trilogy vol.I] (1980)

•Moving Target [essay] (1982)

•Paper Men (1984)

•Close Quartets [Trilogy vol.II] (1987)

•Fire Down Below [Trilogy vol.III] (1989)

•The Double Tongue (1993)


•The Brass Butterfly


•An Egyptian journal

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© Juan Javier Herraiz Pujante
 Juan Javier Herraiz Pujante
                                                  E- Mail: juanhepu@alumni.uv.es