Analysis of the SPACE                                           




This file is divided in 74 parts (each part is called “party”); so I will do the spatial analysis divided in these parts. Starting with the title, we find two spatial references: we know that the actions are going to take place in Woodside, specifically in a party.

Party 1

Broadthrow’s party, so we exactly know where the party took place; it was in Broadthrow’s house in Woodside. The narrator, Jenny, is remembering that party and she is also dreaming with Jeff; and of course, the dream takes place in her mind.

Party 2

There’s no spatial reference, but it’s known that the characters are in the same party, in Woodside.

Party 3

There is an exactly location, Woodside, California. Now we know that the Broadthrow family live in California.

Party 4

Jenny, the babysitter for Caroline Broadthrow, explains where her bedroom is; my room at the house in Woodside is in the back of the garage where Tom and Louse keep their two Mercedes. This is a private space, her private space inside the house.

Party 5

The space where this action takes place is Jenny’s mind because she’s remembering her uncle.

Party 6

Here, we are at a Greek Delicatessen; this is an interior place, so we know that Louise is inside it because she’s buying olives there. Moreover, this shop has a counter and the salesman is behind it.

Party 7

Jenny is dreaming again, so the action is taking place in her mind. But in her dream, there are some spatial references: Tinnywind or Tinnywild (imaginary place where she dreams she lives), Eastern Seacoast (Tinnywind or Tinnywild is on this coast) and Western beaches.

Party 8

She’s still dreaming because is talking about Tinnywind. They are having lunch; Jenny explains where she is seated: I was opposite a girl with short, neat brown hair and a small white collar on her red plaid dress.

Party 9

Jenny explains how her imaginary town is. There are many spatial references but the action is taking place in her mind because it’s an imaginary town. However, inside her dream she’s outside walking through the streets of this town.

Party 10

The only spatial reference is Massachusetts. But the action is not taking place there.

Party 11

Station and train are the places mentioned in this part of the text. One day Jenny and her mother picked Uncle Roger up at the train station. So here, the space is public; but Jenny is thinking in that day inside her mind (memory).

Party 12

Jenny is remembering one day in California when she went to Uncle Roger’s home (Uncle Roger invited me to his home). Another spatial reference is the living room of the house, in where they sat.

Party 13

There aren’t references about space, but it’s mentioned that they are at the party. So we supposed that the party is taking place in Woodside, California.

Party 14

There aren’t any spatial references. I don’t know if this is taking place in Jenny’s mind or in reality.

Party 15

They are in a house or in a room, at least in an interior space; because we have the reference bathroom and then the verb come in indicates us that Jenny was outside this bathroom and she came in to help Mark with his tie. But it’s not known where exactly the action is taking place.

Party 16

There aren’t spatial references but it’s supposed that this is happening at the party in Woodside, California.

Party 17

Now, the space is Jenny’s mind because it’s a dream. In the dream, she says some spaces: train; Washington, DC and San Francisco. But this action is taking place in a private space, Jenny’s dream.

Party 18

Here she’s dreaming with Jeff again. They are inside a swimming pool: Jeff and I were standing in a shallow pool; water came up to our waists.

Party 19

There are many spatial references in this part because Jenny is talking about the three houses which the Broadthrow’s family own. First of all, the action is taking place in Woodside, California (here in Woodside) where they have one of their houses; the second house is in Massachusetts, near Broadthrow headquarters; and the third house (“The Cottage”) is in New Hampshire. It explains a bit how the Woodside house is: Inside, the floors are covered by dense blue grey carpets, and all the walls are painted pale pink. In this last line, she’s talking about a private place (a house) and about an interior place.

Party 20

This is a memory about when Jenny started working for the Broadthrow family. She talks about the cottage in New Hampshire where the Broadthrows spent the summer; another time references are Paris (Louise was there in that August); Huntsville (Tom was there at the same time); and Mexico (Leslie, the former babysitter, went unexpectedly to there).

Party 21

Here the space is again Jenny’s mind. She’s remembering they (Louise, Caroline, Mark and her) were at the San Francisco airport two weeks ago.

Party 22

The space is not specified but we know that they are near a car: on the car door.

Party 23

There aren’t spatial references here, but the action must be happening at the party in Woodside because of the description of what is going on: On the table was a large glass tray heaped with olives; I put some olives on my plate. We know exactly where the olives were and are (on the table; some olives on my plate).

Party 24

We should suppose that they are still at the party. There are references about the exactly place where Mark and her English teacher are. Mark was sitting on the couch; Beside him […] Mark’s English teacher, Miss G.

Party 25

There is a lack of space references here. It’s not said where the action is happening. But it is said that there is something written in Mark’s diary, which is a completely private place.

Party 26

This is a Jenny’s memory; but it’s not said where the action inside this memory is taking place.

Party 27

There’s no specified place; but it’s supposed that they are at the party because of what it’s said: mushroom sandwiches; red and white wine.

Party 28

There aren’t any spatial references. But it’s supposed that the action is taking place at the party in Woodside, California.

Party 29

No spatial references. But we know because of the context that the characters are at the party.

Party 30

Jenny is dreaming again. This part is happening in her mind; she dreams about her imaginary town Trinnywind; in her dream she’s going back to a boat in that town (I went back to the long boat in Trinnywind harbor). So the space inside her dream is the Trinnywind harbor.

Party 31

She’s still dreaming about Trinnywind harbor. There are some spatial references related to this town: small islands; Trinnywind harbor; rowboat; little island; one tree on the island; sat on the warm sand. In her dream, Jenny and her brother got into a rowboat and rowed out to a little island where they bought something to eat and had lunch sitting on the warm sand of that island.

Party 32

Now the space is the party again. They are inside the Broadthrow’s house (Broadthrow’s front door). We exactly where the cat is (sitting on the windowsill) and where Uncle Roger is (outside).

Party 33

But then Uncle Roger’s position changes, he comes in (Louise let Uncle Roger in). And then another spatial reference: New York because Louise thought Uncle Roger was in there.

Party 34

Here Jenny is remembering what her grandfather usually does and what Uncle Roger usually does. So here we are again in Jenny’s mind.

Party 35

The space is not specified here but we know that they are at the party in Broadthrow’s house in Woodside, California.

Party 36

There aren’t any spatial references in this part, but it is supposed that they are at the party because of what is said.

Party 37

They are still at the party in Woodside.

Party 38

Uncle Roger and Jenny are at the party, and he’s telling her that he’s going to Haiti tomorrow.

Party 39

They are at the party. We have some references about the house because Uncle Roger wants to go to the bathroom; then we know that there are three bathrooms upstairs (there are three upstairs). Here we know that in Broadthrow’s house there are at least two floors (upstairs).

Party 40

They are still inside Broadthrow’s house, at the party.

Party 41

Here we know a little bit more about how the space is (how the Broadthrow’s house is): By the bar that separates the kitchen form the dining room; there’s a bar separating the kitchen from the dining room. Moreover we know exactly where Jane and Caroline are (Jane was sitting beside Caroline on the white couch). The whole party is taking place in an interior private space.

Party 42

Here we are still at the party. There are some spatial references about where the characters come from or where they were: Massachusetts (Jack came out from there); Texas (Jack is from there). And also, we know exactly that Louise is very near to Jack (standing too close to Jack).

Party 43

There aren’t spatial references, but because of the context it is known that they are still at the party (Woodside, California).

Party 44

They are at the party. There is some spatial reference: went out the front door; under his arm; he left. So here we know that Uncle Roger leaves the party because of these spatial references; now he’s not inside the Broadthrow’s house, he’s outside.

Party 45

The action is taking place at Jenny’s mind, she’s thinking. Jenny is explaining where the cat (Puffy) is: lying on my pillow now.

Party 46

The space is the Broadthrow’s house at the party (Woodside, California). There are some references about where people are: I sat down beside Caroline and Jane; Louise was standing over us; Caroline got up.

Party 47

Now Jenny is remembering that last week she had supper with Jack and Jane. So here the space is her memories; but in this memory we know that last week they went to Sunnyvale (Jack showed me around their new home in Sunnyvale). So this action was taking place there.

Party 48

We don’t know where they were eating dinner; it’s not said.

Party 49

We are again at the party. Jenny is near Jane (I moved a little closer to Jane on the white couch). Here we discover that Jenny grew up near Massachusetts (from Massachusetts, near where I grew up). And that Jane worked in a lab on route 128 in Boston.

Party 50

They are still at the party. Here we have a little description about Broadthrow’s house: Jack and Jane’s house was paneled with brown plastic wood and on the mantel there was a photograph of Jack and the Secretary of Defense.

Party 51

There are two spaces here: Jenny’s dream and reality at the party. She’s dreaming that Jeff and she were at a party on a cruise ship. But then, she goes again to reality at the party.

Party 52

They are at the party. There’s a woman talking with Jane: The woman who sat down on the couch beside Jane. Then we know that another woman called Rose was touching Jane’s husband: Rose has got her hand on your husband’s crotch again.

Party 53

There aren’t spatial references, but they are still at the party. We know it because of the context.

Party 54

The space is not specified but it’s supposed that the action is taking place at the party at Broadthrow’s house in Woodside, California.

Party 55

Here we are again in a Jenny’s dream. But I don’t know exactly where this dream is taking place.

Party 56

There aren’t any spatial references. It is not known where this action is taking place, but we can suppose that they are still at the party in Woodside.

Party 57

The space is not specified; readers don’t know where this is happening.

Party 58

It’s supposed that we are at the party again. There’s a spatial reference: bathroom. They are not inside it but Jane needs to go.

Party 59

They are at Broadthrow’s house at the party. We know that Jenny is inside (me sitting on the couch); Jeff was outside but then he comes in (Jeff came in).

Party 60

The action is taking place at the party. Jenny and Jeff are talking near each other: Jeff sat down beside me on the couch. There another spatial reference because Jeff asked Jenny about California (“How do you like California?”).

Party 61

Jenny and Jeff are talking at the party in Woodside. Now in the place where they are, the cat is also with them (Puffy jumped into Jeff’s lap).

Party 62

Jenny and Jeff are still talking. There is a spatial reference about where Jeff was born: he had been born in San Jose and lived there all his life.

Party 63

Jeff and Jenny are still talking at the party in Woodside. There aren’t any spatial references but it’s supposed that they are still there.

Party 64

They are at the party. Now Tom is with them: Tom came over; and the cat changes its position: Puffy jumped off Jeff’s lap and ran under the couch.

Party 65

The place where this action is happening is Broadthrow’s house, at the party.

Party 66

They are still at the party. There is a reference that makes it clear: to the party. We know the exactly position of Caroline: sitting on a silver chair. There’s another reference about space: headed up the stairs. So here we know that Caroline and Jenny are going to the stairs; they are walking.

Party 67

It’s supposed that this is happening at Caroline’s room; Jenny is reading a chapter of a book to Caroline. But later the space changes because Jenny goes back to the party (that is taking place downstairs) and again upstairs: Then I went back to the party to say goodnight. As I walked into the room.

Party 68

The space in this part is the party (downstairs) at Broadthrow’s house in Woodside, California.

Party 69

There are many spatial references in this part: my room; through the garage; past the two Mercedes; into my little room; back home in Boston. So here the action is taking place in many spaces, because first they (Jane and Jenny) are at Broadthrow’s house, then they move to the garage pasting the Mercedes and arrive to Jenny’s little room. Then Jane said she would like to be back home in Boston.

Party 70

This is a Jenny’s dream. In her dream, the action is taking place in a swimming pool in which Jeff and Jenny are. There’s a description of the place: The swimming pool in my dream was surrounded by an ivy covered fence and large maple trees. The grass was bright yellow-green.

Party 71

The space is specified: Uncle Roger’s bureau in his residence. It’s explained the staff that is on it: On the bureau in his residence, Uncle Roger has a ceramic egg […] sitting in a little basket full of yellow straw. A small piece of paper […] is stuck in the straw.

Party 72

The space is not specified here; there aren’t any references and we can’t suppose anything because the context is quite ambiguous.

Party 73

Jenny is dreaming again; so here the space where the action is happening is her mind. But in this dream, she’s dreaming again with her imaginary town Trinnywind. In the dream, Jeff and Jenny are lying on the sand beside the water on a small island in Trinnywind Harbor.

Party 74

She’s dreaming again. There are some spatial references about the dream: I was in Venice, Italy; lobby of my hotel; into a gondola; out of the gondola. Jenny is dreaming that she’s in Venice waiting for Tom, but when they meet in the lobby of her hotel she thinks that this boy is not Tom. Then they get into a gondola and then they get out of the gondola. There are many places where these actions happen; first everything is inside her dream where she is in Venice, then in the lobby of the hotel and in the gondola.


File 2: The blue notebook                                                                                  File 3: Terminals


Second paper                          Introduction                            Conclusion                               General analysis

Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Lorena Levy Ballester