The Day of the Jackal is a novel about whose main
character is the
Jackal, a highly feared and infamous
terrorist at the time when this novel was written. The plot of the book is a
(fictional) account of an attempt by this terrorist to assassinate president de
The Day of the Jackal is very well written and very exciting. The
intense style and suspense that sets Forsyth apart as a writer and master of
the thriller genre is visible already here in this early book. An extremely worthwhile read! And,
yes, the movie with the same name is based on this book!
Odessa File is
wonderful! Frederick Forsyth will go down in history as one of the greatest
thriller writers of all time and you only have to look at The Odessa File
to know why. Like with all of Forsyth's novels, the background research is
excellent. You can really believe 100% in the story! The story's plot is very
simple and that's one of the things that make this book great.
And, needless to say, the plot has all the twists and turns we have come to
expect from Forsyth! The Odessa File, too, has been made into a movie.
The plot in The Dogs of War
is centered on a tycoon that
discovers a mountain of
platinum in the remote African
Again Forsyth discusses material of particular relevance at the time of
writing. There were strong rumors at the time, and
some evidence too, that with the right contacts and enough money, mercenaries
specialized in coups d'etat could be hired to topple
governments. Indeed, some rumors even implicated mr. Forsyth in such a plot!
Regardless, The Dogs of War too is a must for any thriller-loving
The Shepherd is a story seemingly based upon
Forsyth's own experiences as a
RAF pilot. It is the story of a De
Havilland Vampire pilot, going home on Christmas Eve 1957, whose aircraft
suffers a complete electrical failure over the North Sea en route from
The Shepherd is a very short story, a booklet rather than a full book.
It is different from the other books by Forsyth, and really a rather
delighting, amazing, and interesting little story.
The Devil's Alernative is a spy thriller from the end of
the 1970's - from the Era of the Cold War. The Russian leader and the American
President face off in a crisis
Spies and intelligence plays a crucial role: The British happen to have a spy
with access to the Russian Politburo meetings. This may provide the key to
gaining advantage for the West.
"The story is
very exciting, although somewhat unrealistic. As usual, the good guys are
trying to prevent World War III while the "hawks" in both the Kremlin
and the White House can hardly wait to get going. The ending is somewhat
contrived but on the whole the book is a very good read", says Rennie Petersen at the web site in his review
of the book.
However, The Devil's Alternative is a book written in a political
context long gone. But given that most readers will be somewhat familiar with
the Cold War, this is probably not a factor that will prevent most readers from
enjoying the book even today. The Devil's Alternative is a classic
thriller - politicians, spies, terrorists, and huge decisions that needs to be
made in a situation where information is scarce.
No Comebacks is a great collection of ten short
stories. Many are set in the
The Fourth Protocol features renegade elements within
the Soviet Union attempting
to plant a nuclear bomb near an
American airbase in the
The Fourth Protocol takes a little while to shift into high gear
(about one third of the way), but when it does, it really rocks. It is a great
read, some think perhaps even the best of Forsyth's books. Even though it is
not on the absolute top for me, the plot is intriguing, the action is thick,
and the characters believable. And, it is, of course, well written.
The son of the American President is kidnapped as part of a plot to try to force the President
out of his office. Veteran hostage negotiator Quinn is asked to come out of
retirement in
The Negoriator is, in many readers opinion,
Frederick Forsyth's best novel. It has political conspiracy, espionage and
special forces action. It moves from
This book includes four separate
short stories
reviewing the career of British
secret agent Sam McCready. McCready
is a old hand in the intelligence community, known as "the Deceiver".
Now the Permanent Under-Secretary (PUS) of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
requires the Chief of the SIS to push Sam into early retirement. The four
stories of the book are presented to a grievance committee in an attempt to
allow Sam to stay on active duty with the SIS. They show how useful his
competence has been, and what role he has played. What will the verdict be?
The Deceiver is a great, and quite interesting book. Its descriptions
of how the game is played, correct or not, are detailed and fascinating. A
great read!
The Fist of God is written
in the aftermath of the first Gulf War.
a new super weapon, the Fist of God,
in a highly secret project.
The Fist of God is one of Forsyth's best books. The action is fast,
the suspense is there most of the time, and the plots are thick. It's a real
page-turner, and a must for thriller fans!
The context for Icon is
Then a secret document surfaces in the West. The document contains extremely
very sensitive information regarding Komarov's future
policies as president, indicating some relatively problematic tactics:
restoration of slave camps, creation of a one-party state, destruction of
political opponents, invasion of neighboring
republics, and genocide of
The West must do something. But what? And how? A game with high stakes,
espionage, and intrigue is started. And the snowball turns and twists. Icon
is a wonderful read!
Icon is among Forsyth's best. Definitely!
Phantom of
This is not a thriller. This is a
Forsyth experiment. An attempt to write
something which is far outside what he usually
writes. It is meant as a sequel to The Phantom of the Opera. (not the
book, but the play!).
It is Forsyth, in that it is well researched and well thought out, and all of
that. On the other hand, it is not, in our opinion, a good book, which is what
Forsyth is all about. This book misfired. It didn't work. It may become a
sequel to The Phantom of the Opera on the stage, who knows, but as it
is, it doesn't work as a book.
And Forsyth? Well, he has since returned to his more normal venues, and not
writes the stuff he knows best how to write.
The Veteran is another collection of short
stories. The book has five short stories, all set in very different settings.
The settings are, in some ways, almost as interesting as the stories
The stories read, in a sense, more like five short novels than as short
stories. The plots are generally great, though with some variation. We liked
three of the stories a lot, and two of them (the thrd
and fourth) now quite so much.
As always, Forsyth is a master of detail, and he recreates with superb accuracy
the world of his characters. The Veteran is an interesting read, but
not quite at the level of his best thrillers.
Calvin Dexter, the main character of
this story, is a quiet lawyer
in a quiet little town in
It turns out that Dexter doubles as the Avenger, a man who secretly sells
services where he uses the set of skills acquired in
The main plot in The Avenger involves a Canadian billionaire that
hires the Avenger to identify the killer of his grandson. The Avenger, however,
eventually gets involved in this at a personal and emotional level, rather than
simply professional.
The Avenger is a great and interesting read, with a very intriguing
psychological mechanism at its core. It is highly recommended, but it is not
the best book he has ever written.
British and American intelligence by
accident get access to a computer holding topsecret
information indicating a serious terrorist plot against
the West. But no details are given.
No where or when, not even how. And they have no sources in Al Qaeda, and it's
impossible to plant someone. A great challenge for the intelligence services in
The Afghan is in many ways a sequel to The Fist of God. Again
the brothers Martin, the soldier and the academic, play prominent part. The
plot is thick and convoluted. The action is tough and interesting. It is a
great book, but not quite top of the line. For instance, Forsyth unnecessarily
introduces a highly improbable accident involving a fighter and a falling jet
engine to create some action that, by and large, seems unnecessary for the
The Afghan is good, but not among his best.
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© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
Universitat de València Press
15/10/2008 Última Actualización: 05/11/2008
Academic year
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Mar Andreu González