Subject : # 14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el siglo XVIII Grupo A


Student´s name : Andreu González, Mª del Mar

Title of the paper : "Sister Stories"

Author or topic: Guyer, Carolyne



Abstract: My analysis of the hypertext Sister Stories, written by Carolyne Guyer, Michael Joyce and Rosemary Joyce, includes the following aspects: an introduction , an in-depth study of the tools used by the authors, a structure analysis going into its external and internal structure in depth, and a conclusion based on my opinion about this project and my contact with the hypertext world.


The hypertext Sister Stories is about Aztec society and looking for information to have a global knowledge about this culture, I found interesting pages about Aztec society, which are included in my web page. I hope you will enjoy them!




Auto evaluation: I deserve a grade of an eight.






Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Mar Andreu González
Universitat de València Press