Subject :

14217 - English Poetry of the XIX & XX Century


Professor’s name:

Dr. Vicente Forés

Student´s name:

Marcos Antonio Palao Contreas





- Reading Module #1

Based on the poem “Visions of the Daughters of Albion”

by William Blake

read poem


The subject of the poem is about the yearnings of the Daughters towards their freedom. We also see that… (read more)



- Reading Module #2

Based on the poem “To a Lady”

by Lord Byron

         read poem


This work belongs to Byron's first volume of verse entitled Fugitive pieces which was privately… (read more)



- Reading Module #3

“Romantic Nature”

based on the poems “Hymn to intellectual beauty” and “Mont Blanc”

by P. B. Shelley

read “Hymn to Intellectual beauty” and “Mont Blanc”


Romantic poets came after the great Enlightenment in the western countries and they talked of… (read more)



- Reading Module #4

Based on the poem “Mariana”

by Alfred Lord Tennyson

read poem

I am going to comment on the poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson entitled “Mariana” and how through it… (read more)



- Reading Module #5

Based on the poem and painting “The Blessed Damozel”

by Dante Gabriel Rosetti

read poem and see painting


The “Blessed Damozel” is a poem written as a sequel to Poe’s “The Raven” and it tells the beautiful… (read more)



- Reading Module #6

Based on the poem “The Second Coming”

by William Butler Yeats

read poem


As far as I have understood this poem, I think it talks about the coming to an end of an era and the… (read more)



- Reading Module #7

“First World War”

based on the poem “Peace” and “Anthem for the doomed youth”

by Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen, respectively.

Read “Peace” and “Anthem…”


Two poets, one single period, and two different views on war. As we shall see through this essay., both poets, despite… (read more)



- Reading Module #8

“Let there be light”

an essay on Seamus Heaney’s poetry.

Read The Tollund Man”, „Personal Helicon“, „Digging”, “The Forge”, “At a potato digging”, “Punishment” and Casualty“


I shall deal in this paper with some of the poems by Seamus Heaney, the Irish poet awarded… (read more)



- Reading Module #9

“Gender poetry?”

an essay on Ted Hughes and Silvia Plath

Read “I am vertical” and “Examination at the womb door”


Is there a classical view of gender reflected in literature in general and in particular? Are there any particular subjects… (read more)



- Reading Module #10

Poetry Criticism – Structuralist Criticism.


         I shall try to comment of the Structuralist method or view of literary theory, but as it’s a very broad theory… (read more)



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I think I’ve done a remarkable improvement in understanding poetry as a whole through this course of English poetry. In my opinion the score I deserve ranges from a “Notable” to a “Sobresaliente”. I support this view taking into consideration the scores I’ve been given throughout the year would make (depending on the points given for every paper) around 8 points, which deserves a “Notable”, but taking also into consideration the extra points due to class assistance and participation and web page presentation this could lead to the “Sobresaliente” and more taking also into consideration the progress I’ve made in the subject and the better performance that I’ve shown on later papers.


This subject got a “Matricula de Honor” (“Distinction” or “A+”) grade. 



Academic year 2005/2006
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Marcos A. Palao Contreras
Universitat de València Press