The Monkeys is a short story that takes place in an ancient kingdom.In this kingdom, each year, the king demanded that each village produce a young boy who would act like a monkey for an entire day.

In one little village without a name, lives only fifteen people. Most of these people are old women whom are near to die.
Upon hearing that the king wants a young boy for act like a  monkey for a whole day they meet to discuss which of the only two young boys from the village should comply with the order of the king.

The election of the candidate is among Melchior, a twelve year old boy that, as one of the women said, is a "lost cause" and William, a child that has only one year old.

After much discussion, one of the women, Adriatica, proposes a plan to which the king will not force more to act like a  monkey any children of the village. His idea is to train one of the boys in martial arts and send it as his yearly monkey  to the king's court. Once there, the child will kill the king and these will eliminate the problem.

At the beginning one of the women is not agree but at the end all accepts the plan developed by Adriatica and send William, the smallest, to the king´s court.

At the time of the summer solstice all the children´s of the villages goes to the king´s court to act like a monkey for a day.

When William is before the king his behaviour is not entirely as a monkey and the king tells him that he has to be worse, he has to scream and jump.

Then William jumps on the king´s back and drowns he with his jeweled strip.

After  a challenging with the king's men who refuse to fight with him give a jump as a  ninja and disappears.











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Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Marta Soler Gamero /
Universitat de Valčncia Press