At first, the
idea of working with
hypertext was not very enthusiastic for me; I thought that it
would me more complicated and trickier than read a printed book, but it has not
been like that. I have liked it for the fact that you are (the own reader) who
decide what want to read in each moment of the story. Do you want to read about
the Aztec family? Or do you prefer to read about the kind of food they ate? O
maybe do you want to read about the Solar
Calendar they used? The election was in my hands in each
moment, and this is the main difference between hypertexts and printed books.
Links in hypertexts are also explanatory, for example, in the story there is a
paragraph where Michael (the central character) talk about a language he is not
able to pronounce (Nahualt
language) and there is a link that “moves” the lector to an
explanation of Nahualt
Moreover, the
story has been very easy to read, due to the fact that I like to know about
other cultures and the story talks about costumes and curiosities of the Aztec
Civilization. Many things have been very interesting. In addition, the language
used by the author is very simple to understand, although I have searched in
the net some words related with the Aztec culture, because I was unfamiliar
with them.
I recommend
reading hypertext, it has been a very pleasant experience for me and it makes
you familiarize with computers. It’s necessary to stand out that reading
hypertexts have some disadvantages, like reading in the screen of the computer;
I found it a bit uncomfortable.
To finish, I
would recommend the lecture of this hypertext in particular to those who wants
to know more about other cultures, Aztec Culture in this case, which I find
fascinating. It has been the first time I read a hypertext but not the last.
I provide a
list of links about the
Aztec Civilization for those persons who want to know more about this
civilization. The most part of this links have been the web sites where I have
searched the information to elaborate this paper.
Academic year
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© María Vergara Martínez
Universitat de València Press