Subject  # 14214 Narrativa Inglesa  |  Grupo B

Student’s name:    Gil-Nogués, Rafael
Title of the paper:   8 Minutes: Narrative Tools
Author or topic:       Conway, Martha






























Abstract: You can click on some interesting links related to 8 MINUTES. I analyze which are the narrative TOOLS what the author uses when she created this hypertext comparing it with other of her works. I have maken an INTRODUCTION to help you in different aspects of this hypertext and a SIMPLE PLOT taking in account the inner SPACE-TIME situation of the hypertext CONTENTS. I have added a brief review of Conway’s PUBLICATIONS with other pieces of information about the writter and some REVIEWS and BIBLIOGRAPHY. Besides, you can read my reflections and what have impressed to me and my PERSONAL OPINION about this work.

Auto-evaluation: NOTABLE, but I would like to get the best mark. I have worked very hard to do my best in this “hypertext experience”.





Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Rafael Gil-Nogués
Universitat de València Press