Subject : 14711 - Hipertextos y Literatura - Grupo AStudent´s name :Gómez Sonlleva, Teresa
Title of the paper :"Under the Ashes"
Author or topic : Inglis, Gavin D.
Abstract : As you can read in our introduction Under The Ashes is a story which almost completely takes place in the same space: Mrs. Kaplin's house; we have plenty of details describing the "garden", the roof and the inside part of the house.
The main characters have been waiting for a long time to enter the house and finally there they are, wondering what exactly is going to happen...
After reading the story through we realize that it has five different ways to conclude and that its plot has a great similarity with those of the films The Haunting and The House on Haunted Hill.
This text has been analized together with Diana Hervás Castillo.Auto-evaluation: Sobresaliente
I think I deserve Excellent because I have regularly attended the classes, achieving all the aims in time and even before. We've done a good group work. I have invested many hours to work on this subject (in part because of the technical difficulties involving the use of the computer rooms in our university). The final result is an interesting textual analysis that, in my opinion, deserves a good grade.
Academic year 2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Teresa Gómez Sonlleva
Universitat de València Press