El lenguaje utilizado por el autor Michael Joyce pertenece a un nivel de habla medio, a pesar, de que en algunas secuencias aparecen tecnicismos relacionados con distintos ámbitos sociales que encontramos en el hipertexto. Acontinuación mostramos algunos ejemplos:
"The priest tried
to recall the biblical story of the man who had squandered his talents
but he could never keep the details straight and in any case didn't quite
understand the point of it. Instead he asked about other sins.
There were the
usual inventory: adultery, lies, small frauds, disloyalty to friends, occasional
despair. He offered absolution and a penance of Paternosters. " En
esta secuencia el lenguaje está relacionado con el ámbito
de la religión católica ya que utiliza términos específicos
de ésta.
"Most interesting were the ankle bracelets of fine gold chain and a Ute bracelet woven from milkweed. There was a brightly colored catalogue for the exhibition but none in translation." En este otro ejemplo el lenguaje utilizado está relacionado con el mundo de las joyas, que en este caso están expuestas en un museo y el personaje las observa."
A veces la coloquialidad del texto llega a tal punto se asemeja al lenguaje oral e incluso aparecen palabras que provienen de jergas juveniles. Como por ejemplo estas secuencias:
"Not long after
she slips into the shower and presses against his buttocks, humming.
Mmmm. Mmmm".
"Aware of the difference
between us, fingering (like the very fine yarn used to knit or crochet),
reaching across to close the space and defining it in the process"
"A young woman
drew the angles of intersecting stories on the grass, making four ( two
forward, two back, doubled), brackets or elbows, four more like spokes
of a wheel"
El espacio está descrito mediante un lenguaje plástico que ayuda al lector a reproducir imaginariamente la escena donde se desarrolla esta obra.
"In good weather,
the guide reported, the residnts of the city would often picnic here. The
site was also the preferred place for children's birthday parties, confirmations,
garden club luncheons and the like."
En esta cita se decribe una gran explanada,
el escrito detalla y describe los lugares que visita el protagonista.
"It was a pleasant place, even in the grey, a philosopher was buried there, although the guide could not manage to find his grave. He was sure that it was a greenish stone, inscribed with gold. "
"He could imagine small insects-- grasshoppers and praying mantises for instance-- formed from twisted wire and powered by small magnetic or electronic motors. What he had in mind was something like Tinguely's sculptures but at a miniature scale. It would be interesting if someone could devise a kind of windchime in the shape of small shrubs or even fenceposts. Or perhaps not a chime as much as a sort of low whistle or flute which one could hear only faintly. Different scents would also be good. Perhaps the insects could release them as they moved among the silk flowers. And the whole place would be lighted at night like the Tivoli." Este lugar es imaginado, gracias a la decripción detallada pueden precibirse hasta los sonidos y olores que se podrían precibir allí..
También aparecen descripciones de personajes, describiendo al detalle su apariencia física, así como su vestimenta e incluso el olor, como se puede observar en la siguiente cita.
"Like an executive,
well tailored grey wool just above the knee, a handsome turn to her calves
in dark stockings, a sense of thigh and ample buttock against the skirt.
Handsome ebony cross of a sleekly modern design. A scent, not perfume,
rather fruit soap or perhaps powder"
First Paper | Introducción | Espacio | Tiempo | Análisis Ling. | Personajes | Argumento | Conclusión |