Through the lives of a group of friends, women and men, you can see the conflict, the war of sexes, showing in this story, and through the evolution of the characters you can guess how that story gets to an end. Moreover, according the literary devices the author has used, you can guess also when she is talking about characters’ real facts or her own opinion.

The story begins, at least, in my way of reading, while Lyssa, Roxana and Deborah are talking about their opinion on Portlandia statue: she’s irresistible, photogenic wonderful and artistic for Lyssa, however it’s a extravagant display for Roxana, and ugly, bad taste for Deborah, she compares her with a goddess in a pagan temple. Nowadays, they work in the same place, the magazine in Portland Cutting Edges, where Lyssa is trying to keep things as egalitarian as possible; they are choosing the photos to represent Portland (Oregon), Oregonians are too iconoclastic, everyone likes Mercy’s her son photo, but ask for Mercy that she writes a poem to Portlandia;. They comment at the magazine, the rise of rapes, Chernobyl catastrophe, buy Mercy  nor Deborah did not write it,   they talk about their children, then go for a drink and, obviously, they talk about the difficulties in the relationships between women and men. However, they found that Marty, who is divorced too, feels wounded because he can’t see his daughters often.

Lyssa and Hannah went to dinner in a small vegetarian restaurant with an atmosphere from the ’60, talked to Reaganomics, Portlandia’s procession; Hannah tells Lyssa she looks like a mother in a sitcom, overprotective/ because she does not like Jess, her boyfriend. Hannah has a rebellious phase, she moved out and she usually quarrels with her mother as she comes to see her. Lyssa was brought up in a repressively traditional family, she was a teenager in the early sixties, in ‘69 she was in Woodstock, emancipated and leaving her husband, studied philosophy, and in her magazine she made interviews to anyone well-known in her neibourhood, it was political correctness, she had dreamed of being famous. Lyssa has a dog, Hades; she thinks he is more faithful than her daughter, who is a stereotypical rebellious teenager and she is picking up with suspicious-looking man called Jess.

They are going to spend Christmas together, Hannah has lost weight and become attractive and right now she agrees with following the studies she has given up and by which her mother had fought constantly. She told Lyssa that two months earlier, Randy was physically violent with her, and it happened almost a rape. Lyssa feels a huge anger and wants revenge. She thinks about everything the women of her generation did to get a freedom and an autonomy that make them to feel safer and not guilty relating their relationship with men. She likes Marty; however, what has happened to Hannah makes to think of her future with him again. After her unsuccessful attempt to put an end to sexual violence, Lyssa turned to a somewhat more successful attempt to put an end to nuclear power plants in Oregon. She is presently trying--with continued lack of success and undiminished enthusiasm--to save the whales, the trees, the spotted owl and the world in general.

Marty is trying to save Lyssa from herself and thereby save her idealism for the rest of the world. He also makes sure the magazine doesn't go under. 

Amazon House, name relating with gender of the occupants in a small campus. Before had lived there “the dirty dozen”, Matt, Lily, Adam, Diana, Mercy, Myrine among others, they feel heir of the seventies musicians Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple while they are celebrating Diana’s birthday. Diana had become bored in her relation with Steve, they had superficial sex; and then, she went out with Geoff, who fell in love with Diana, she compares his beard with Don Johnson,but soon after he left Diana, who did not want break up their relationship; then she wrote her bitter ballads, considering he was a medieval man because he did not feel pain while leaving her. Then, she knows Adrian, who plays in a band in Seattle, but Diana did not want to engage him, and move to Seattle, she likes to be on Portland’s scene, not to join Adrian’s band.  Diana has a discussion with Rick during a practice session, trying to compound something for Halloween, “Crimes of the heart” both are leaders, they want to get a gig, lots of people think if you're a black female musician, you have to be a blues singer.

Adam and Lily have been together off and on for nearly ten years, but the relationship is regularly interrupted by temporary infidelities, mostly on Adam's part. Lily is a high school P.E. teacher who gives self-defense courses, among other things. She lives with Diana and Myrine in a big old house which is commonly referred to as Amazon House. All the women of in there are engaged in long-distance relationships. Lily's is Adam in Eugene.  

Many George’s friends considered their own wives as bitch, but not Mercy in spite of being an intellectual, because she did not give to her the right importance by that, by the contrary, she increases George’s reputation; however he felt resentful for his wife’s achievements.

Matt is perhaps the closest thing to a professional idealist as is humanly possible. He sits in trees, marches the streets and mooches off his friends. He helps SOFT organization to save environment. He reads books about buddhism Matt, Myrine, Lily, Adam, Mercy and Diana all go back to co-op days in Eugene.

Myrine: Matt’s best friend, she helps him to give up of being hung up a tree until police to arrest him.

Roxana, after having been working in Cutting Edges, settled by her own as a free-lance photographer and so, she got some exposures of her work in well-known places. She continued fighting alone for bringing up her teenager daughter, Daphne.

Deborah, Lyssa’s best friend was able to finish her first novel that became a best-seller; and although critics told it was superficial, she relied on herself and devoted to a second novel in which, surely, she was going to write about themes relating to the war of sexes. She and Roxana have not found any man who deserves their love.

Spatial references: Seattle, Portland, Oregon, Eugene, a place where the last sixties were still alive in the mid-eighties.



My Way of Reading              Answer              Conclusion             Lay-out
