~ Works & Style ~


Adrienne Eisen has been publishing her hypertext since 1993. She has written five hypertext novels:

6 sex scenes, The Interview, Winter Break, What fits and Considering a baby.

Ms. Eisen is the only hypertext winner of the prestigious New Media Invision Award. Adrienne Eisen’s hypertext has been published by Iowa Review Web, Eastgate and Alt-X.

She is also famous for her print novel, Making Scenes, which explores the intersection of hypertext and print and Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for Success. Here is a list of places where she has worked and still is:

·         Adrienne Eisen (Warning: Adult Content)

·         Brazen Careerist blog

·         Yahoo Finance: The Brazen Careerist

·         Climb, Boston Globe

·         Bankrate

·         BrazenCareerist.com






[Second Paper]

[Index] [Adrienne Website] [Biography] [Works]

[Considering a baby] [Summary] [Internal analysis] [External analysis]

[Conclusion] [My blog]