Subject : 14711 - Hipertextos y Literatura - Group A
Student's name : Peral García, Juan Valentín Home Page
Title of the paper : 'Lies'
Author : Richard L. Pryll Jr.
Abstract : Research over a hypertext which deals with truth and lies. It starts off with this quote: "Lies tell you more about a person than the truth does. Lies tell you what a person wants to be, rather than what they are. Lies are dreams, lies are fantasy. Who wants to live the truth, when you can live a lie?" You then choose between the link that says: truth or the link that says: lies. You then journey through cyberspace in search for the answer to the question to the quote previously stated. Eventually, after a lot of clicking you find yourself with an end, but that doesn't mean its the only one.
Information regarding research:
Steps Taken
BibliographyAuto evaluation: I personally enjoyed this hypertext. Especially the "Lies tell you..." quote. (stated above in Abstract) It honestly made me think and relate the quote to my own life. I found that living a lie was much easier and prettier than living the truth.
Link to other student:
Another student's research over the same Hypertext and her analysis.
Marta Trenzano Rubio´s researchAcademic year 2001/2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Peral García, Juan Valentín
Universitat de València Press