Greetings, this is Juan Valentín Peral García student at the University of Valencia (Spain). I have been sent on a mission to analyze the Hypertext called 'Lies', by Richard L. Pryll Jr.
    To start off, i want to introduce you to the term hypertext. The hyper textual system is based on one subject in which a user has the possibility to create, add, link, and share information from different sources with the possibility to access documents in a non periodic manner unlike traditional information in which you have to access the information in a natural sequence.(Balasubramanian, 1995). In other words, you have the possibility to access a lot of information in any which way you want, you don't have to read the information in order.

    This hypertext introduces us to a world of lies and truth in which the lying world is much easier to swallow than being truthful. The hypertext 'Lies' is a common web page with a black background. All the letters on this page are either in pink or in navy blue. Beneath the word Lies, there are two options: Begin , about "Lies". The reader then clicks on Begin and the hypertextual journey begins.

    I am going to analize this hypertext and draw conclusions from the facts. First I am going to explain the steps taken through this hypertext then I am going to analyze the hypertext, its space and time to be exact followed by a short conclusion where points will be made. You might agree or disagree on the conclusions made. I am just going to present things from my point of view. At the bottom of every page, there is a link to the other pages in the research along with my e-mail address. If you have any doubts or suggestions feel free to send me mail. Constructive and destructive feedback is welcome. Thank you.

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First Paper
Steps Taken

Academic year 2001/2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Peral García, Juan Valentín
Universitat de València Press