The time period in this hypertext is a little confusing. At first it seems as if it were all over a long period of time. You know, the guy meets a girl one night, they go to different places for the summer and then all of a sudden the guy appears again the next day in the room of the girl. Very confusing.
The fact that the time is confusing also probably contributes
to the confusing atmosphere of the author. As mentions in the Space section
of this web page, Truth and lies are confusing as it is. You never know if
a person is telling the truth or manipulating the truth and telling a lie.
The essence of time in this hypertext adds to that confusion and makes the
reader think and ponder about what's really going on in the hypertext. Its
all a complicated topic and the author of 'Lies' is the only one that can
give us the answer to the ongoing question.
First Paper
Steps Taken
Academic year 2001/2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Peral García, Juan Valentín
Universitat de València Press