First Paper

        Student´s name:Cristina Lagóstena Molina
        Title of the paper:How does the life and period of Bram Stoker appear in his novel:Dracula?
        Author of the topic:Bram Stoker
         Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max 150 words:
   In this work  I will try,taking as a point of starting the Bram Stoker´s novel:Dracula, to see how he reflected his period in the novel and to see if it adjusted or not to the reality. Thus, we will know aspects like: the society, the superstitions, the landscape, the religion, means of transport, media, true facts that appear...Futhermore, I would like to investigate if Bram Stoker reflected in his novel aspects from his own life.
        In conclusion, we can go so far as to know about the period in with Dracula appeared, as well as,in which measure he showed his life in it.


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                                        Academic year: 2000/2001
                                    Created:3/01/01  Updated:14/02/01
                                     © a.r.e.a/Dr. Vicente Fores López
                                    © Cristina Lagóstena Molina