What is Julian Barnes afraid of?

By Mark, Thursday 20 March 2008 at; 12:50 :: Personal observations :: #888 :: rss

I've been enjoying the serialisation of Julian Barnes' memoir Nothing to Be Frightened Of on BBC Radio 4. (Listen again for up to seven days.) It starts: 'I don't believe in God, but I miss him.'

However, I do have the faint feeling of something not quite realised or resolved in Barnes' writing. I've sensed it in his novels. There's nothing wrong with that necessarily: arguably it's a product of that thing called life. But I do wonder whether if he were somehow able to be just a little more committed in his thoughts, he might touch something about that life more profoundly.

It came home to me in two of his reflections on religion from the memoir. He talks of Christianity as a great fiction - a kind of noble lie that whilst entirely understandable just isn't plausible any more. Fair enough. Except that if fictions are lies, the best are lies that aim to tell of deeper truths. So I wanted Barnes to say more about what kind of truth he thought Christianity is latching onto, and so say more about what is lost. The serialisation is abridged so maybe he does this in the book itself.

Alternatively, he reflects on how we, today, look at Cycladic figures, as serene tokens of human transcendence. Except that the creators of these figures would have seen nothing of this in them: originally they were gaudily painted and buried with the dead. This becomes an allegory for how Christianity, and perhaps religion as a whole, will be lost. But surely the really interesting point is that we see something in the Cycladic figures still. What is that? Why do they move us? Again, it seems as if his atheism prevents him from delving further into the questions he so lyrically raises.


URL: http://www.markvernon.com/friendshiponline/dotclear/index.php?2008/03/20/888-what-is-julian-barnes-afraid-of


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