1.- Improve and analyze the fluency and the practise of the English language and stimulate our students and teachers to get better communication skill.
2.- Develop tolerance towards different attitudes, lifestyles and believes, by comparing these and through that getting conscious about differences and indifferences. Strengthen intercultural education and its contibution to social integration.
3.- Encourage the students to gain and to share information using IT technologies.
4.- Raise the students' environmental awareness of the causes and consequences of pollution- with special attach importance to the use of electricity and water - and concentrate on the efforts to prevent it. To manifest the importance of taking action towards this global problem.
5.- Increase the use of ICT tools by creating web sites, Presentations, using Communication tools.
6.- Motivate students to develop literacy skills through writing to their partners and on the Articles.
7.- Giving the students the possibility to develop a long-lasting friendship which might be continued even after the project.
8.- Integrate the project topich into the school curriculum.
9.- Make an input in developing the idea about Europe without borders.
10.-Decrease the risk of social exclusion by involving students with special needs in the project.
11.-Pupils become aware of their own cultures as well as foreign countries.