Traducción de Textos Literarios Ingleses (14231)




          Subject: Traducción de Textos Literarios Ingleses


Group:  A


Student’s name: Laura Ayala García   




 This is a webpage about translation (English – Spanish) of English literary texts. Here you can find eight different translations, which include the text Dillon in pain; the tale The Twelve Dancing Princesses, and excerpts from Alice in Wonderland (Down the Rabbit-Hole), Ulysses, Titus Andronicus and Man and Superman. You can also find three poems by Seamus Heaney (Digging, Follower and Death of a Naturalist) and five sonnets by Shakespeare (sonnets 3, 57, 60, 83 and 89).

I have translated all these texts with the help of dictionaries and Internet. It has also been of great help to compare my rough copies with other translations found on Internet and in some books. After these comparisons my final translations have changed quite a lot.







             Translation 1: The twelve dancing princesses  ☺  Las doce princesas bailarinas

             Translation 2: Dillon in pain  Dillon siente dolor

             Translation 3: Alice in Wonderland. Down the Rabbit-Hole  ☺  Descenso por la madriguera

             Translation 4: Ulysses  Ulises

             Translation 5: Titus Andronicus
 Translation 6:  Man and Superman
Translation 7:  Shakespeare's sonnets 3 - 57 - 60 - 83 - 89
Translation 8:  Seamus Heaney. Follower - Digging - Death of a naturalist                                                                                                                                      





             Auto-evaluation: 7






 Academic year 2007/2008
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Laura Ayala García
Universitat de València Press